6 research outputs found

    Spectral Geometric Verification: Re-Ranking Point Cloud Retrieval for Metric Localization

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    Although re-ranking methods are widely used in many retrieval tasks to improve performance, they haven't been studied in the context of point cloud retrieval for metric localization. In this letter, we introduce Spectral Geometric Verification (SpectralGV), for the re-ranking of retrieved point clouds. We demonstrate how the optimal inter-cluster score of the correspondence compatibility graph of two point clouds can be used as a robust fitness score representing their geometric compatibility, hence allowing geometric verification without registration. Compared to the baseline geometric verification based re-ranking methods which first register all retrieved point clouds with the query and then sort retrievals based on the inlier-ratio after registration, our method is considerably more efficient and provides a deterministic re-ranking solution while remaining robust to outliers. We demonstrate how our method boosts the performance of several correspondence-based architectures across 5 different large-scale point cloud datasets. We also achieve state-of-the-art results for both place recognition and metric-localization on these datasets. To the best of our knowledge, this letter is also the first to explore re-ranking in the point cloud retrieval domain for the task of metric localization. The open-source implementation will be made available at: https://github.com/csiro-robotics/SpectralGV.Comment: Under revie

    Wild-Places: A Large-Scale Dataset for Lidar Place Recognition in Unstructured Natural Environments

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    Many existing datasets for lidar place recognition are solely representative of structured urban environments, and have recently been saturated in performance by deep learning based approaches. Natural and unstructured environments present many additional challenges for the tasks of long-term localisation but these environments are not represented in currently available datasets. To address this we introduce Wild-Places, a challenging large-scale dataset for lidar place recognition in unstructured, natural environments. Wild-Places contains eight lidar sequences collected with a handheld sensor payload over the course of fourteen months, containing a total of 67K undistorted lidar submaps along with accurate 6DoF ground truth. Our dataset contains multiple revisits both within and between sequences, allowing for both intra-sequence (i.e. loop closure detection) and inter-sequence (i.e. re-localisation) place recognition. We also benchmark several state-of-the-art approaches to demonstrate the challenges that this dataset introduces, particularly the case of long-term place recognition due to natural environments changing over time. Our dataset and code will be available at https://csiro-robotics.github.io/Wild-Places.Comment: Equal Contribution from first two authors Under Review Website link: https://csiro-robotics.github.io/Wild-Places

    LoGG3D-Net: Locally Guided Global Descriptor Learning for 3D Place Recognition

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    Retrieval-based place recognition is an efficient and effective solution for re-localization within a pre-built map, or global data association for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). The accuracy of such an approach is heavily dependant on the quality of the extracted scene-level representation. While end-to-end solutions - which learn a global descriptor from input point clouds - have demonstrated promising results, such approaches are limited in their ability to enforce desirable properties at the local feature level. In this paper, we introduce a local consistency loss to guide the network towards learning local features which are consistent across revisits, hence leading to more repeatable global descriptors resulting in an overall improvement in 3D place recognition performance. We formulate our approach in an end-to-end trainable architecture called LoGG3D-Net. Experiments on two large-scale public benchmarks (KITTI and MulRan) show that our method achieves mean F1max scores of 0.939 and 0.968 on KITTI and MulRan respectively, achieving state-of-the-art performance while operating in near real-time. The open-source implementation is available at: https://github.com/csiro-robotics/LoGG3D-Net.</p

    Locus: LiDAR-based Place Recognition using Spatiotemporal Higher-Order Pooling

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    Place Recognition enables the estimation of a globally consistent map and trajectory by providing non-local constraints in Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM). This paper presents Locus, a novel place recognition method using 3D LiDAR point clouds in large-scale environments. We propose a method for extracting and encoding topological and temporal information related to components in a scene and demonstrate how the inclusion of this auxiliary information in place description leads to more robust and discriminative scene representations. Second-order pooling along with a nonlinear transform is used to aggregate these multi-level features to generate a fixed-length global descriptor, which is invariant to the permutation of input features. The proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art methods on the KITTI dataset. Furthermore, Locus is demonstrated to be robust across several challenging situations such as occlusions and viewpoint changes in 3D LiDAR point clouds. The open-source implementation is available at: https://github.com/csiro-robotics/locus.</p

    Wild-Places: A Large-Scale Dataset for Lidar Place Recognition in Unstructured Natural Environments

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    Many existing datasets for lidar place recognition are solely representative of structured urban environments, and have recently been saturated in performance by deep learning based approaches. Natural and unstructured environments present many additional challenges for the tasks of long-term localisation but these environments are not represented in currently available datasets. To address this we introduce Wild-Places, a challenging large-scale dataset for lidar place recognition in unstructured, natural environments. Wild-Places contains eight lidar sequences collected with a handheld sensor payload over the course of fourteen months, containing a total of 63K undistorted lidar submaps along with accurate 6DoF ground truth. This dataset contains multi-ple revisits both within and between sequences, allowing for both intra-sequence (i.e., loop closure detection) and inter-sequence (i.e., re-localisation) tasks. We also benchmark several state-of-the-art approaches to demonstrate the challenges that this dataset introduces, particularly the case of long-term place recognition due to natural environments changing over time. Our dataset and code is available at https://csiro-robotics.github.io/Wild-Places</p

    Locus: LiDAR-based Place Recognition using Spatiotemporal Higher-Order Pooling

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    Place Recognition enables the estimation of a globally consistent map and trajectory by providing non-local constraints in Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM). This paper presents Locus, a novel place recognition method using 3D LiDAR point clouds in large-scale environments. We propose a method for extracting and encoding topological and temporal information related to components in a scene and demonstrate how the inclusion of this auxiliary information in place description leads to more robust and discriminative scene representations. Second-order pooling along with a nonlinear transform is used to aggregate these multi-level features to generate a fixed-length global descriptor, which is invariant to the permutation of input features. The proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art methods on the KITTI dataset. Furthermore, Locus is demonstrated to be robust across several challenging situations such as occlusions and viewpoint changes in 3D LiDAR point clouds. The open-source implementation is available at: https://github.com/csiro-robotics/locus.</p